Oversees running of SUMS, and acts as main ambassador to student body. Chairs meetings and directs SUMS-exec. Sits on Undergraduate Committee (UGC) with Undergraduate Faculty Advisors.
Vice President
Assists the President in advocating for undergraduate needs and coordinating SUMS events. Moderate and organizes SUMS-exec meetings alongside SUMS president. Sits on the UGC with the president.
Social Chairs
(2 individuals are elected to this position)
Plans social events to encourage course 3 community such as study breaks & hangouts.
Career Development Chairs
(2 individuals are elected to this position)
Organizes resources for professional development of students in academic and industry settings. Responsibilities include organizing networking opportunities and help for internships and post graduation employment in addition to resources for those interested in graduate school.
Apparel/Commons Chairs
(2 individuals are elected to this position)
Designs and organizes Course 3 apparel orders, manages apparel delivery. Also in charge of ordering and stocking snacks for the lounge. They are snack and swag fairies whose job is to make people smile 🙂
Pub Chair
Keeps people updated on SUMS events. Also acts as webmaster.
Outreach Chair
Works with GMC (grad students) and DMSE faculty to coordinate community outreach efforts, and works with class reps to recruit volunteers for these events. Outreach chair is also in charge of freshmen recruiting efforts such as forge and foundry tours.
Class Reps
DEI Team
Members unelected but DEI Team Chair elected
Collaborates with other MIT Student DEI organizations and represents the undergraduate stakeholder group in the DMSE DEI Collaborative. Responsibilities include: creating programming events for students on DEI issues, acting as a liaison between department leadership and SUMS on DEI-related developments, ensuring SUMS functions are inclusive and equitable.